Submitted by students, these are internship experiences told first-hand.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Submersive Productions

Submersive Productions is an immersive experience company based in Baltimore. Artists, writers, dancers, and musicians collaborate to make site-specific immersive experience productions. In their work, audience participation is centered as an important role in unfolding the narrative of a show. I found this internship through a professor of mine who introduced Submersive Productions’ work in her class and helped me get connected. When I had an opportunity for an interview with Submersive, then after I secured the internship.

I was able to experience various parts of Submersive Productions’ work—from idea devising, concept research, venue-searching, fabricating samples and props for an upcoming show, and material researching. I assisted in an idea for one of their projects, The Boundary, which is an immersive experience piece that deals with death and grief.

My direct supervisor was one of the co-artistic directors. They participate in collaborative devising works for immersive experiences and supporting artists in their production with administrative matters and more. My supervisor and I both had a great experience working together and I am proud that I got an offer to work with them for an additional month after my internship ended.

I was able to work with such a supportive, talented, generous, and creative group of people throughout my internship. The most important lesson I learned is that we should always proactively seek ways to build a healthy community where the artists collaborate in equal positions and can support each other when feeling vulnerable during the production process. I am grateful to experience a community where everyone is invested in what they create and genuinely cares about each other.

I had more chances to meet, talk, and collaborate with many people through this internship, and I feel less intimidated by networking and meeting new people. Also, I now have a better understanding of how to manage and plan a project in an organized manner. This skill is especially valuable because I will be able to apply this skill in various projects that require many people’s collaboration.

Through this experience, I have realized that I value a sense of community more than I thought. I value genuine and collaborative connections with people and it is important that I feel this connection in my workplace. I want to continue to find ways to pursue my interest in immersive experience art because I enjoy working as a team.