This person who became my supervisor works for his father at Splice as a managing editor. He writes regular reviews for a few different platforms (The Spectator, Counterpunch) and makes his own films independently. He has a strong work ethic and occupies himself completely with his work and, when he’s not working, he’s watching more movies. I’ve never met anyone so well-watched.
My main responsibilities ended up being a camera operator and editor, with some content aggregation for Splice on slow days. I helped shoot and sort footage for You’re Going to Live and did some fine-tuning on Hasn’t Been Grounded (My supervisor’s first two features). Under his direction, I had a lot of freedom to experiment with lighting and camera angles that I never got the chance to in my MICA cinematography class. I felt capable and confident, especially when my supervisor would tell me how happy he was with the shot. It made me very proud of my work and myself.