Submitted by students, these are internship experiences told first-hand.

Friday, September 15, 2023



Keypair is a security company with blockchain technology and KCMVP-certified products. This internship was introduced to me when I visited Keypair with an artist who is planning to make NFT to ask about NFT. While I was asking some questions about NFT to the CEO, he offered me a design intern position. I thought it would be a great experience so I started my design internship at Keypair.

The main project of the company was to upgrade a crypto wallet app. Therefore, we were adding new functions and upgraded them. My direct supervisor is a UI/UX designer/developer and we discussed a lot of the UI/UX design of the app and what can be implemented through code.

I was honored to be part of designing the whole UI/UX and visual designs of the app. I am most proud to see my designs on an app that everyone can use. My biggest takeaway from this is that I learned more depth about software, such as Figma, Illustrator, and After Effects.

The most important thing that I learned from this internship is communication. Especially in a social group, clear communication is helpful to reach the success of projects. This experience definitely helped me get a sense of what I really am interested in, what I am good at, and what I dislike doing.